Fig. 3

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Main objectives for the development of metamaterial antennas for biomedical applications: Tissue coupling for maximizing radiation transfer to the body (example figure: a printed square monopole antenna with metamaterial superstrate based on double SSRs for brain imaging [20]); Focusing (example figure: a metamaterial lens on a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed patch antenna [21]; Tissue decoupling (example figure: Topology of a dual-dual polarized textile antennas on an AMC plane for WBAN/WLAN and GPS applications. Reproduced with permission from R. Joshi et al., published by IEEE, 2020 [22]); Miniaturization (example figure: metamaterial-based sensor design using split ring resonator and Hilbert fractal for sensing breast cancer cells [23]); High gain metamaterial Vivaldi antenna for microwave breast imaging applications [24]; Addition of features such as circular polarization (CP) (example figure: a wearable two-port MIMO antenna with a metasurface layer composed of 4 × 4 symmetrical crown-shaped units, which are used to realize CP radiation [25]).
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