Policy on Publishing Integrity

The EPJ Applied Metamaterials is committed to the highest standards of publishing integrity and academic honesty. We recognize the important role we play as publishers of scientific record. All published articles are subjected to rigorous peer review. Authors are expected to pursue objectivity and rigour in all aspects of their work. Referees are requested to provide unbiased and constructive comments aimed, whenever possible, at improving the work.

Incidents of potential misconduct should be brought to the attention of the relevant editorial office or Editor-in-Chief, and will be handled with care and deliberation in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).

The following advice cover some areas where unethical behaviour could potentially arise.

Competing interests statements

Editors, authors and referees should declare potentially competing interests of a professional or personal nature that might interfere (or be perceived as interfering) with an objective presentation, interpretation or judgement of a submitted paper.


Corresponding authors are requested to ensure that all contributors to the work are listed as authors and are aware of the contents of the article, from submission through publication.

Plagiarism/self-plagiarism/duplicate submissions

Publishing an article that in part or fully reproduces previously published work is an act of misconduct, whether it involves one's own or other people’s work. Authors must always reference all relevant sources and clearly identify if they are re-using text or material previously published by themselves or others. Permission should be sought and disclosed whenever other people’s materials are used. It is highly unethical to submit the same or substantially similar work simultaneously to more than one journal.

Similarity Check

Papers submitted to the EPJ Applied Metamaterials will be screened for plagiarism using Similarity Check/iThenticate plagiarism detection tools. Papers leading to plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be immediately rejected.

Falsification/fabrication of data

Reporting manipulated or fabricated research data is considered the most extreme case of misconduct in scientific publishing.

The journal reserves the right not to work with authors who are abusive to staff, referees and/or editors.

EPJ AM follows the Policies on Publishing Integrity of its publishers, EDP Sciences. These publisher is a member of the non-profit international Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE).