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Omega-Bianisotropic Wire-Loop Huygens’ Metasurface for Reflectionless Wide-Angle Refraction

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Controlling the Most Significant Grating Lobes in Two-Dimensional Beam-Steering Systems With Phase-Gradient Metasurfaces

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Spectrally sharp metasurfaces for wide-angle high extinction of green lasers

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Laser-Drilled All-Dielectric Huygens’ Transmit-Arrays as 120 GHz Band Beamformers

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Fabry–Pérot-Based Compound All-Dielectric Huygens’ Structure for Circularly Polarized Millimeter-Wave Beamforming

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Broadband high-efficiency cross-polarization conversion and multi-functional wavefront manipulation based on chiral structure metasurface for terahertz wave

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Fast Analysis of Spherical Metasurfaces Using Vector Wave Function Expansion

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IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 18 (6) 1086 (2019)

Transparent cross-polarization converter with anomalous refraction

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Surface-wave dispersion retrieval method and synthesis technique for bianisotropic metasurfaces

Karim Achouri and Olivier J. F. Martin
Physical Review B 99 (15) (2019)

Dual-Band Transmissive Cross-Polarization Converter with Extremely High Polarization Conversion Ratio Using Transmitarray

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Metasurface Antennas: New Models, Applications and Realizations

Marco Faenzi, Gabriele Minatti, David González-Ovejero, Francesco Caminita, Enrica Martini, Cristian Della Giovampaola and Stefano Maci
Scientific Reports 9 (1) (2019)

Solar “Meta-Sails” for Agile Optical Force Control

Karim Achouri, Oscar V. Cespedes and Christophe Caloz
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 (11) 6924 (2019)

Resonant metasurface with tunable asymmetric reflection

Dmitry Filonov, Vitali Kozlov, Andrey Shmidt, Ben Z. Steinberg and Pavel Ginzburg
Applied Physics Letters 113 (9) (2018)

Susceptibility Derivation and Experimental Demonstration of Refracting Metasurfaces Without Spurious Diffraction

Guillaume Lavigne, Karim Achouri, Viktar S. Asadchy, Sergei A. Tretyakov and Christophe Caloz
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (3) 1321 (2018)

Computational Analysis of Metasurfaces

Yousef Vahabzadeh, Nima Chamanara, Karim Achouri and Christophe Caloz
IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques 3 37 (2018)

Theory, design, and experimental verification of a reflectionless bianisotropic Huygens' metasurface for wide-angle refraction

Michael Chen, Elena Abdo-Sánchez, Ariel Epstein and George V. Eleftheriades
Physical Review B 97 (12) (2018)

Bifocal Fresnel Lens Based on the Polarization-Sensitive Metasurface

Hen Markovich, Dmitrii Filonov, Ivan Shishkin and Pavel Ginzburg
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (5) 2650 (2018)

Homogenization and Scattering Analysis of Second-Harmonic Generation in Nonlinear Metasurfaces

Karim Achouri, Gabriel D. Bernasconi, Jeremy Butet and Olivier J. F. Martin
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (11) 6061 (2018)

Dielectric Resonator Metasurface for Dispersion Engineering

Karim Achouri, Ali Yahyaoui, Shulabh Gupta, Hatem Rmili and Christophe Caloz
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (2) 673 (2017)

Efficient Analysis of Metasurfaces in Terms of Spectral-Domain GSTC Integral Equations

Nima Chamanara, Karim Achouri and Christophe Caloz
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (10) 5340 (2017)

Simultaneous enhancement of light extraction and spontaneous emission using a partially reflecting metasurface cavity

Luzhou Chen, Karim Achouri, Efthymios Kallos and Christophe Caloz
Physical Review A 95 (5) (2017)

Nonreciprocal Nongyrotropic Magnetless Metasurface

Sajjad Taravati, Bakhtiar A. Khan, Shulabh Gupta, Karim Achouri and Christophe Caloz
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (7) 3589 (2017)

Comparison of two synthesis methods for birefringent metasurfaces

Karim Achouri, Guillaume Lavigne and Christophe Caloz
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (23) (2016)

Electromagnetic characterization of bianisotropic metasurfaces on refractive substrates: General theoretical framework

M. Albooyeh, Sergei Tretyakov and Constantin Simovski
Annalen der Physik 528 (9-10) 721 (2016)

Metasurface Spatial Processor for Electromagnetic Remote Control

Karim Achouri, Guillaume Lavigne, Mohamed A. Salem and Christophe Caloz
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 (5) 1759 (2016)

Perfect control of reflection and refraction using spatially dispersive metasurfaces

V. S. Asadchy, M. Albooyeh, S. N. Tcvetkova, et al.
Physical Review B 94 (7) (2016)

Resonant response in mechanically tunable metasurface based on crossed metallic gratings with controllable crossing angle

V. Yachin, L. Ivzhenko, S. Polevoy and S. Tarapov
Applied Physics Letters 109 (22) (2016)

Synthesis of Passive Lossless Metasurfaces Using Auxiliary Fields for Reflectionless Beam Splitting and Perfect Reflection

Ariel Epstein and George V. Eleftheriades
Physical Review Letters 117 (25) (2016)