Open Access

Table 2

Performance comparisons between the designed FSR and some FSRs in references.

References Transmission band (GHz)/IL (dB) −10 dB absorption band (GHz)/FBW Thickness (λp 1 Periodicity (mm) Form
[28] 6/−0.8 10.6–18/52% 0.074 11 × 11 2D
[29] 1.6/NA2 5.3–14.8/94% 0.024 10 × 10 2D
[30] 0.92/−0.5 3–9/100% 0.03 20 × 20 2D
[31] 4.6/−0.3 10–18/57% 0.08 11 × 11 2D
[32] 2.45/−1.2 7.68–21.7/95.2% 0.107 5 × 5 2D
[33] 4.15/−2.4 4.8–9.3/64% 0.065 NA 3D
[34] 3.4/−1.2 11.1–18/47.4% 0.054 8 × 8 3D
This work 3.08/−0.37 8.04–18.08/77% 0.036 7 × 7 2D

1 λp is free space wavelength at the center frequency of transmission band.

2NA means the data in the paper are not given.

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