Fig. 1
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(a) Scheme of the multilayer with the main composite layer formed from alternating “strips” of two different materials that can be optically uniaxial in the general case. The rays in the substrate transmitted through the multilayer are denoted by numbers 1 and 2. Ein is the incident wave field, the reflected rays in the superstrate are not shown. (b) Geometry of the corresponding electromagnetic boundary problems. The multilayer includes upper and bottom layers, which electromagnetic properties can correspond to isotropic ENZ MMs or metals, and the main layer. The superstrate and substrate materials are isotropic and optically thick. Er1, Er2, and Et1, Et2 are the fields of the waves reflected from and transmitted through Strips 1 and 2, respectively, when the incident wave interacts with the multilayer. OA denotes the optical axis direction in the materials of Strips 1 or 2. The other denotations are given in the main text.
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